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The meaning of judo is the " way of gentleness". This soft grappling style is based on the techniques of Jujutsu. Judo emphasizes on upsetting an opponents balance by using various throwing techniques that will control an attacker.

However, judo also relies on a wide variety of grappling techniques. Students attempt to defeat the opponents as efficiently as possible thus fulfilling one of Dr. Jigoro Kano's concepts maximum efficiency with minimum effort.

A general name means "art of flexibility". That is applied to hand to hand combat. In short: Jujutsu emphasizes turning an attackers own force against him or herself. The opponent is put off balance and immobilized. Jujutsu also emphasizes certain grappling moves and striking to vital areas of the body.

The proficient Jujutsu practitioner is expected to know how to gauge the force of an opponent's attack and use that force against the opponent. Know how to evade attack; know how to use leverage against an opponent; and know how to attack in case the vulnerable areas of the opponent's body are not open to attack.


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